Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver
Dimas Craveiro Architect
Design-assist, pre-construction, value engineering, and construction
The impetus for a new Corpus Christi Elementary School was the result of a 2013 seismic assessment that was conducted for all buildings within the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver. The existing elementary school was built in 1957 using unreinforced concrete block and had been classified as high risk in a major seismic event. Rather than seismically upgrade an older school, the school and parish opted to build a new facility that will last at least 100 years.
The current school is operating at over capacity with 315 students from kindergarten to grade 7. The new school will serve 450 students from kindergarten to grade 7.
Construction is scheduled for completion in April 2022, which is three months ahead of schedule.
The 56,000-square-foot, two-storey elementary school consists of 16 classrooms, a library, offices, commercial kitchen, a 25-child daycare, music room, art room,
gym with a stage, after school care and parking for 87 vehicles. Feature elements of the gym and classroom blocks include 60-foot glulam beams. A new parish centre under the gym has an event hall, commercial kitchen, offices and flexible meeting rooms.
Upon completion of construction, Ventana will commence abatement and demolition of the existing school. Destructive and non-destructive testing will be completed to determine contaminants within the school. Ventana will develop all safe-work procedures with the successful abatement and demolition contractor, in addition to assisting and coordinating the systematic removal of materials with asbestos.